Member Profile

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Dr. Shirin Akter Begum
Department of Gynecological Oncology
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1) Sultana S, Khatun S, Begum SA, Amatullah M, Mahmud T, Faruq M, Sultana Z, Naznin T, Association Between Lymphovascular Space invasion and Preoperative CA-125 Antigen and Fibrinogen in Patients with Endometrial Carcinoma, Bangladesh Medical Res Counc Bull , 2024, 50, 40-47
2) Sarker RR, Begum SA, Mahmud T, Sultana Z, Parvin PA, Faruq M, Khanom A, Comparative Study between Para cervical Block and Non-Steroidal Anti Inflammatory Drug for Relief of Pain during Manual Vacuum Aspiration Procedure, Mymensingh Medical J, 2024, 33, 2
3) Parveen PA, Begum SA, Mahmud T, Sultana Z, Sarker RR, Nahar K, Khanom A, Effect of Meconjum Staining Amniotic Fluid on Fetal Outcome, Mymensingh Medical J, 2024, 33, 2
4) Sonia AA, Nessa A, Begum SA, Sultana A, Ferdaus J, Efficacy of high-risk human papillomavirus genotype testing as cervical cancer screening method in a tertiary hospital of Dhaka, Bangladesh, International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences Sonia A A et al. Int J Res Med Sci, 2024, 12(1), 1-7
5) Prof Ashrafunnessa, Prof Rokeya Anwar and Prof Shirin Akter Begum., Contribution of a Chapter of a text book for the post graduate students of gynecological oncology, published by the Springer, Sumita Mehta and Anshuja Singla, 2024, 0, 0
6) Gorvoboty mayeder shomoshsha o Protikar, A complete Bengali book on physiology, complications and early prevention of complications of pregnancy. The aim of this book is to get healthy mother & healthy baby, -, 2024, -, Total page volume 104
7) Faruq M, Begum SA, Amatullah M, Mahmud T, Kundu G, Sarker RR, Sultana S, Preoperative Serum Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor as a Predictor of Malignant Ovarian Tumor, Bangladesh Medical Res Counc Bull, 2023, 49, 183-189
8) Saha S, Khatun A, Begum SA, Islam MA, Sonia FA, Hossain F, Chakrabary T, Frequency of ABO and Rh-D blood groups in cervical cancer, BSMMU J 2022, 2022, 15(2), 70-74
9) Ferdous NE, Begum SA, Amatullah M, Khanom A, Correlation of Pap Smear and Colposcopy in relation to Histopathological Findings in Detection of Pre-invasive Lesion of Cervix , Bangladesh Bangladesh Med Res Counc Bull, 2022, 48(3), 189-194